China-Bangladesh Friendship, a friend in need is a friend indeed – Md Mahabubur Rahman

Friendship is the strongest bond of the soul.A strong friendship can overcome all the obstacles and make the impossible possible.A friendship means mutual love,cooperation, respect and cordiality.This friendship relationship is considered as a sweet relationship in many cases.A friendship develops between people as well as between two countries,where there is mutual trust and support.One of the best examples of friendship can be considered the friendship Between China and Bangladesh.First of all,Bangladesh fought for nine months against Pakistan and got independence on 16th December,1971.It is the eight most populous countries in the world.It is well known for its rich Culture, vibrant history and ancient archeology.It is a country of South Asia.Second of all,China is a country of East Asia.It is the second most populous country in the world and third largest Country by total land area.The relationship between the two countries began at least two thousand years ago and officially established diplomatic relations with Bangladesh on 4th October in 1975.Over the past 45 years,the relationship between China and Bangladesh has been developing with mutual respect,cooperation and friendship on both sides.Bangladesh and China have become friends since their ancient times.There are some significant reasons behind china’s deep relationship with Bangladesh due to commercial, economical, political and military relations exist among the two countries.A saying is very popular that a friend in need is a friend indeed..According to me,the best example of this seems to be the china-bangle relationship,will try to illustrate it below.

China-Bangladesh relations are bilateral relations between China and Bangladesh.The most interesting thing is that Bangladesh is China’s second trading partner.Currently, China is one of the Bangladesh’s trading partners and bilateral trade between China and Bangladesh is about 10 billion dollars.Bangladesh-China bilateral trade has increased almost three times in the last decade.Infrastructure plays a major role in the economic development of a country.China has contributed a lot to the infrastructural development of Bangladesh, due to which the economy of Bangladesh is also strengthening day by day.21 districts are now connected with the capital of the country.It became possible due to Padma bridge. All the researchers and economists said that gross domestic product will increase rapidly and it was built by China major bridge engineering construction company.CREC constructed Padma bridge and its rail link,there are 4 lane roadway on the upper level and a single-track railway on the lower level,which connects the east and west railway networks of the country.Almost 3 crore Bangladeshi people are taking the advantages by utilising the bridge,minimum 0.84% poverty will reduce yearly.One of the most significant information is china already invested 7 billion dollars in Bangladesh,which is an enormous amount for any developing country.It is already playing an important role to develop the country in economic sector.Three Chinese construction companies,respectively CGGC,JTWG and WIETC took a contract to build the BRT(Bus Rapid Transit) lane from Dhaka airport to Gazipur,where ADB financed for builds this lane.(Asian Development Bank).Another important thing should be mentioned,such as Karnaphuli Tunnel.It is the first underwater road in whole South Asia.This project already implemented by the Government of Bangladesh and it constructed by the Chinese company and also the segments of the tunnel were produced in Zhenjiang,China.The Chinese companies are working on numerous projects of the country.Meanwhile,the Chinese company,China Road and Bridge Corporation are building Chinese economic and industrial zone,which is a part of RBI.There is a great opportunity to set up about 400 factories including medicines,readymade clothes, agricultural processing,

chemical products, health equipment, plastic products, information technology and cement in this industrial zone.Chinese banks have invested more than 2 billion dollars in the private sector of the country.Bangladesh and China both countries have vast populations, so that they are investing huge money in the business sectors and are getting beneficial rapidly. All the investors observing the possibilities of the countries,so that they are trying to upgrade their financial situation.The relationship between China and Bangladesh has made a history before a few years ago.Bangladesh brought two submarines from China.The name of those two submarines is Banouja Navajatra and Banouja Jayayatra.When the Bangladesh government brought these submarines and added in Bangladesh Navy to protect its sea border name is Bay of Bengal,simultaneously the neighbour country expressed concern at that time.The thing indicated the strong relation between two countries military forces and stronger side of Bangladeshi military power.In 2015,the chief Bangladesh army visited in China and met with Cheng Wankun the foreign minister of China.The foreign minister expressed to develop the relation between two countries.Bangladesh has purchased 16 warplanes, 2 warships, 5 maritime patrol boats and missiles from China in the last decade.The Bangladeshi Army chief also expressed to take training from people’s Liberation Army.That’s how, their relation becoming Stronger than the past.Bangladesh and China are coastal countries and had excellent exchange by sea since ancient times.Yongle was the emperor of China’s Ming Dynasty about 600 years ago.Admiral Zheng He was the the peace messenger of the emperor, and also he was the best sailor of his time.When he travelled the Indian and Pacific ocean,he created the Chinese silk road by the sea.At that time,Sultan of Bangla received him in Chittagong port and sent many special things to the emperor Ming.So many years ago,the Bangladesh Army chief got an invitation from PLA and visited in China.After went there,he met with the president Jiang Zemin.The President told him that the china he saw in 1980 is not the same china today.China has changed a lot.He also said that he heard the skyline of Dhaka has also Changed.But even these changes, one thing has not changed and will not happen.That is the relationship between China and Bangladesh. He also assured the army chief that China will always be a friend of Bangladesh.

These both countries have religious relationship as well as educational relationship since their ancient times to till now.Two students of china respectively, Fahien and Hiuen Tsang came to Bangladesh in search of Buddhist scriptures and Atish Dipankar of Bangladesh promoted Buddhist religion in China(Xi Jinping,President of the People’s Republic of China).That’s how,Bangladesh and China interacted with each other in the purpose of religion. At present,it can be seen that the Chinese government is giving huge opportunities to the students of Bangladesh so that they can get effective higher studies and various degrees. The Chinese government also giving them some extra facilities what they are not given to another students of all around the world.Bangladeshi students also telling that the Chinese people are the most humblest Nation ever and they behave with Bangladshi students very politely.The government of China is offering several scholarships to the students of Bangladesh, such as, CSC (Chinese government scholarship),the Belt and Road scholarship and many more.In Addition,numerous universities of China are providing their own financial aid including several packages for the students of Bangladesh.Also,the Chinese government is giving chances to Bangladesh students to build-up their career in China.The Universities are also giving flexibility in building their professional life in many ways.Today,it can be seen that many Bengali students already established themselves in business sector as well as job sector in China.At the time of a pandemic (Covid-19),when

China had its most worst time ever,Bangladesh government expressed sympathy to the people of China through letter at that time.After March month of 2020,Bangladesh started to face crisis moment,at that time Chinese government declared to help Bangladesh by sending medical supplies and test kits.Also,Mr. Jahangir Alam,the mayor of Gazipur imported medical equipments from China to Bangladesh,the foreign minister Mr. A.K.Abdul Monem received it and there were also present the Chinese ambassador in Bangladesh.The most loving thing was the cartons of those medical equipments were written ‘The boat of love goes over the hills”.It was the message of love.Li Zhiming said that Bangladesh has signed a memorandum understanding as a first country of South Asia in (BRI) China’s Belt and Road Initiative (Prothom Alo).Currently, Bangladesh is having political crisis.The national election of Bangladesh will be held on 07th January, 2024.Some specific countries are trying to interfere in the internal politics of Bangladesh.Whereas,Chinese ambassador Yao Wen said China supports fully Dhaka in protecting national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity in internal affairs, so that Bangladesh can maintain internal unity, stability and achieve development goals (The Daily Star,26th September, 2023).Moreover, foreign minister of Bangladesh gave assurance to the Chinese foreign minister Mr. Wang yi that Bangladesh believes in one China policy and also seek help from china about the Rohingya issue(BBC News Bangla,7th August,2022).Simultaneously,prime minister of Bangladesh,Sheikh Hasina said to Wang Yi,the foreign minister of China that Bangladesh values friendship with China and believes in the one China principle.(BBC Bangla, August 2022).Bangladesh is facing one of the biggest crisis since 2017 and still that Rohingya crisis is going on.Several times,Bangladeshi authority asked help from the United Nations,though none of them succeed to solve the problem.Finally,afew months ago china told that if both countries respectively Myanmar and Bangladesh want then China is interested to work for solving that vast problem as a third party.Bangladesh was seeking help since that problematic thing started, and also Bangladesh is not arguing with Myanmar to avoid any kind of probable conflict,so that the country asked help from the all members of United Nations Security Council.All the countries are giving Assurance to fix the problem permanently, but in reality,nothing has changed till now.Now the hope is China that can solve the problem permanently.Bangladesh and Myanmar Government both signed an agreement in November 2017.After three months the Rohingya expelled from the state Rakhine,where as China was behind that agreement.Since 2017,Bangladesh government tried to solve the problem but it didn’t become possible.After 2020,China has tried to interfere from the frontline in Rohingya issue.Finally,many ambassadors from several countries including Bangladesh and China visited Rakhine on March 10,2023.The most interesting thing is after 2020,when China joined in the discussion of repatriation of Rohingya from Cox’s Bazar to Rakhaine.Diplomats visited and saw the situation was better than 2018 to 2020 and assured that Rohingya people will able to live there peacefully.China had been pressurise Myanmar government for several months on this issue.After all,the Myanmar government has taken already 1000 Rohingyas.So,everyone is thinking that the situation will be stable as soon as possible, all the problematic things will be solved and repatriation Processing will be continued, if china pressurises them constantly. Bangladesh government also hoping for that and telling them continuously for solving the ongoing crisis permanently.All the scenario will be changed,what Bangladesh is expected.Because, a vast number of Rohingyas are getting shelter by the government of Bangladesh till now.Which is now becoming an enormous burden for a developing country like Bangladesh.The honourable prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina MP said at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly that almost 1.1 million Rohingya refugees are living now in Bangladesh on 28th September,

2018.When Bangladesh was Doing fantastic in the economic sector,that Rohingya crisis became a great headache for the country.Bangladesh gave priorities humanity that doesn’t mean it is a liability of Bangladesh. Whatever, Now the country asked for help from China as a well wisher country.

In conclusion, it is very clear that all the things are visible in the China-Bangladesh friendship, what a true friendship demands.When both countries are having political crisis,they are supporting each other.China is contributing to the development of Bangladesh as well as Bangladesh is giving them chance to extend their businesses. When some superpower is threatening Bangladesh, China is encouraging Bangladesh for moving on.Both of these are Countries are exchanging their ideas and culture et cetera.Every friendship has give and take relation but Bangladesh -China relations are more than that.When the mutual understanding,cooperation,trust and love are existing in the friendship of China-Bangladesh and both of these countries consider them as friends of danger as well as partners in mutual development. Consequently, China-Bangladesh friendship can be considered as the symbol of “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”


Writer: Md Mahabubur Rahman
Institution: Dhaka Commerce College,National University.

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